In real estate agency relationships, an agent owes its client, a buyer or seller of property, fiduciary duties, including duties of undivided loyalty, reasonable care, and confidentiality. Due to the increasing number of large brokerage firms, “dual agency” deals have become commonplace. A dual agency occurs when an agent represents the buyer and the seller
Breakfast with Westchester’s Commercial Division Judges
On June 14, 2019, the New York State Bar Association hosted a breakfast at the Westchester County Courthouse with Justices Linda Jamieson and Gretchen Walsh. This was a great opportunity to hear from Westchester’s Commercial Division judges on various topics, including their expectations of attorneys who appear before them. Here are a handful of important…
Can a GC Serve as Witness and Advocate? Justice Jamieson Says “No”
By Gregory Blue on
Posted in Discovery, Motion Practice
Sometimes in-house counsel believe they can handle a case better, or more cost-effectively, than outside counsel. And sometimes, they just miss practicing law. Still, it’s better to let outside counsel do the talking…and the questioning. It’s impossible to know what motivated in-house counsel in HH Marina Development LLC v. Tarrytown Boat Club, Inc., Index…